Fetch Your Data With
[ Unofficial ]
Medium API

curl https://medium2.p.rapidapi.com -H 'x-rapidapi-key: YOUR_KEY'


pip install medium-api

How to get your API key?

What can you extract with it?

Categories and Endpoints


Is Unofficial Medium API Free?

Our API is free for 150 calls per month.

If your usage is more than that, please consider subscribing to a higher plan. Visit hub.mediumapi.com/pricing for more information.

Does Medium have an Official API?

Yes, Medium has its own API but, you cannot extract anything using it.

Currently, they only have Publishing API, which means, it only allows you to post articles and do some elementary stuff.

[Update]: Official Medium API is no longer maintained. Their GitHub repository has been archived on 2nd Mar 2023.

Supported languages and tools?

You can use ANY programming language or tool that supports GET method call and JSON parsing.

Python, Java, C/C++, Javascript, NodeJS, PHP, R, C#, .NET, Go, Ruby on rails, Objective C, Kotlin, Swift, RapidQL, cURL, Wget, HTTPie, Postman, Swagger.io ...

How can I get my API Key?


  1. Sign up on RapidAPI Platform
  2. Subscribe to our Unofficial Medium API
  3. Click on any of API's Endpoints on the RapidAPI Hub listing and select the API key from the X-RapidAPI-Key header under App section.

For more detailed explanation, here's our step by step guide.

Available SDKs

Currently, we're officially proivding support for Python SDK (open-source). You can install it by running:

pip install medium-api


If you're a .NET developer, there is a great open-source Medium API SDK by Tiago Martins. You can install it by running:

dotnet add package Medium.Client --version 0.4.2

We strictly prohibit our users from fetching copyrighted content from Medium without the explicit permission from the author. Use this tool wisely.

Other Services

Unofficial Medium API - Helps you fetch data from Medium | Product Hunt

Hire Us!

If you have an awesome idea and want to build something using our Unofficial Medium API, we are here for you!

"We will code you dream application"

Email Us on [ nishu@mediumapi.com ] to get started!

PS: Chatting is FREE. So don't hesitate! 😄