How to Get Tag Information from Medium

Using the Medium API (Javascript)

Tags on Medium help organize and classify articles, making it easier for readers to find content related to specific topics.

This guide demonstrates how to fetch detailed information about a specific tag on Medium, such as the number of followers, related articles, and subcategories.


To run this code successfully, ensure the following are in place:

Code Explanation

This script retrieves information about the 'technology' tag using the Medium API. Let’s break it down step by step:

1. Import Dependencies

import Medium from 'medium-api-js';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

2. Load Environment Variables


3. Initialize the Medium API Client

const medium = new Medium(process.env.RAPIDAPI_KEY);

4. Fetch Tag Information

    .then(data => {
        console.log('Tag Info:', data);

Running the Code

To execute the script, run the following command in your terminal:

node getTagInfo.js

Output Explanation

When the code runs successfully, it outputs detailed information about the 'technology' tag. Here’s an example:

Breakdown of Output

Potential Use Cases


Fetching tag information from Medium provides valuable insights for content creators, marketers, and researchers. By leveraging the Medium API, you can automate the retrieval of tag data and integrate it into your workflow.

If you have any questions about the Medium API or this code, feel free to reach out to me at

Happy coding!