Medium API Documentation

Getting started with Unofficial Medium API

Medium API Documentation

Hey guys!

This is the "Getting Started" Guide for the Medium API (Unofficial Version), listed on the RapidAPI Platform.

This REST API helps you to quickly extract data from, without any hassle.

Using our Unofficial Medium API, you can get -

💡 Checkout our swagger documentation for the details on each endpoint!

Before getting started, you must first get your API Key to authenticate your calls. You'll need to pass it in the headers, along with the requests, to use the API smoothly.

Header -

x-rapidapi-key: [RAPIDAPI_KEY]

Wondering how to subscribe to Medium API and get your API Key? Read this step by step guide -

API's Base URL:

 User 👥  : 
· GET User ID 
· GET User Info 
· GET User's Articles 
· GET User's Top Articles 
· GET User's Following 
· GET User's Publication Following 
· GET User's Followers 
· GET User's Interests 
· GET User's Lists 
· GET User's Publications 
· GET User's Books 
 Article ✏️ : 
· GET Article Info 
· GET Article's Content 
· GET Article's Markdown 
· GET Article's HTML 
· GET Article's Assets 
· GET Article's Responses 
· GET Article's Fans 
· GET Related Articles 
· GET Recommended Articles 
 Publication 📰  : 
· GET Publication ID 
· GET Publication Info 
· GET Publication Articles 
· GET Publication's Newsletter 
 Platform 🌀  : 
· GET Archived Articles 
· GET Latest Posts 
· GET Top Writers 
· GET Recommended Feed 
· GET Top Feeds 
· GET Tag Info 
· GET Related Tags 
· GET Root Tags 
· GET Recommended Users 
· GET Recommended Lists 
 List 📜  : 
· GET List Info 
· GET List Articles 
· GET List Responses 
 Search 🔎  : 
· Search Articles 
· Search Publications 
· Search Users 
· Search Lists 
· Search Tags


Every Medium user has one unique hash ID associated with his/her account. Usually, we only deal with usernames that we choose while registering on Medium Platform. You can find your username in the sub-domain of your profile page URL or at the end of it. Like -

Once you get your username, like mine is nishu-jain, you can use the following endpoint to get your user_id.

Endpoint -

GET /user/id_for/{username}

Usage -

Once you have the user_id, you can invoke other user-related endpoints using it.

GET User Info

Once you've got the user_id, you can use it to get user-related information such as -

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}

If you don't have the user_id, see the GET User ID endpoint above.

Usage -

GET User's Articles

This endpoint returns a list of articles written by a specified user, with a maximum of 500 article_ids per request.

If the user has published over 500 articles, use the next attribute from the response in subsequent API calls, as query string parameter, to retrieve additional articles.

Query Parameters (Optional) : -

💡 The "User's Articles" endpoint returns articles in the same order they are displayed on the author's profile. If the author has pinned articles, those will appear at the top (in the beginning of array), followed by all other articles in reverse-chronological order (newest to oldest).

💡 You can then use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information, such as title, subtitle, author, claps, voters, tags, topics, publication, etc..., related to your desired articles.

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/articles

Usage -

GET User's Top Articles

This endpoint returns a list of aritcle_ids of the top 10 posts/articles on the user's profile, for the given user (user_id).

This endpoint is "faster" than the GET User Articles endpoint.

💡 The "User's Top Articles" endpoint returns articles in the same order they are displayed on the author's profile. If the author has pinned articles, those will appear at the top (in the beginning of array), followed by all other articles in reverse-chronological order (newest to oldest).

💡 You can then use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual articles.

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/top_aritcles

Usage -

GET User's Following

This endpoint returns a list of user_ids of the given user's followings.

You can fetch this list and use the GET User Info endpoint to retrieve information related to the individual users.

Note: This list does not contain the publication_ids of the publications that the user is following. To get those, please use GET User Publication Following endpoint (/user/{user_id}/publication_following).

Query Parameters (Optional): -

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/following


GET User's Publication Following

This endpoint returns a list of Publications (publication_ids) that the given user is following.

You can fetch this list and use the GET Publication Info endpoint to retrieve information related to individual publication.

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/publication_following


GET User's Followers

This endpoint returns a list of user_ids of the followers for the given user.

Note: When you get the response from the API, it will include an attribute called next. You can use this next attribute as query string parameter (after) when you make your next API request (to the same endpoint). This way, you can get the followers that come after the one you're currently looking at.

You can use the GET User Info endpoint to retrieve information related to the individual users.

Query Parameters (Optional): -

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/followers

Usage -

GET User's Interests

This endpoint returns a list of tags that the given user follows on Medium.

All tags are lowercased hyphen-separated strings. If you want to get the tag-related information such as how many people follow a certain tag, how many stories are published with it, how many writers are in that tag, etc ..., then use GET Tag Info endpoint.

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/interests


GET User's Lists

This endpoint returns an array of list_ids created by the user.

You can use the GET List Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual Medium Lists.

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/lists

Usage -

GET User's Publications

This endpoint returns 2 lists of publication_ids where the given user is either an admin (creator/editor) or a contributing writer.

You can use the GET Publication Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual publications.

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/publications

Usage -

GET User's Books

This endpoint returns a list of all the books published by the user. It includes the book's title, description, co-authors, published date, cover image and URL.

Endpoint -

GET /user/{user_id}/books

Usage -

GET Article Info

This endpoint returns the article-related information such as

For using this endpoint, you'll need an article's unique hash ID, called article_id.

You can find the article_id at the end of any Medium Story's URL. Like -

For more detailed explanation, please go through this article.

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}

Usage -

GET Article's Content

This endpoint returns the textual content of a Medium Article, for the given article_id. The content is in plain text format and do not include text inside the image captions and embeds.

You can get the article_id from the original Medium Article URL, as shown above in the GET Article Info endpoint. Or read about it here

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}/content

Usage -

GET Article's Markdown

This endpoint returns the article content in the markdown format (.md), for the corresponding article_id.

You can get the article_id from the original Medium Article URL, as shown above in the GET Article Info endpoint. Or read about it here

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}/markdown

Usage -

GET Article's HTML

This endpoint returns the article in plain HTML format (.html), for the given article_id.

This plain HTML output can be stylized as per your own custom branding.

You can get the article_id from the original Medium Article URL, as shown above in the GET Article Info endpoint. Or read about it here

Query Parameter (Optional) : -

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}/html

GET /article/{article_id}/html?fullpage=true&style_file=dark.css

Usage -

If you want to explore the intricacies of the HTML structure obtained through the output of this endpoint, check out this article.

GET Article's Assets

This endpoint returns a list of URLs for the assets present in the given Medium Article (article_id). These assets may include images, embedded YouTube videos, Github Gists, Hyperlinks (anchors), Links to other Medium Articles, etc ...

You can get the article_id from the original Medium Article URL, as shown above in the GET Article Info endpoint. Or read about it here

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}/assets

Usage -

GET Article's Responses

This endpoint returns a list of responses (response_ids, same as article_ids) for a given article (article_id)

Note: You can treat response_id pretty much same as aritcle_id. To see the content of the response, use the Get Article's Content endpoint.

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}/responses

Usage -

GET Article's Fans

This endpoint returns a list of user_ids of the people who clapped on the article.

You can use the GET User Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual users.

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}/fans

Usage -

This endpoint returns a list of article_ids of the related posts. (Length = 4)

Note: The related aritcles will belong to the same author or same publication or both. You can use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual articles.

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}/related

Usage -

This endpoint returns a list of 10 articles (article_ids) as recommended by the Medium, for the given article.

You can use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual articles.

Endpoint -

GET /article/{article_id}/recommended

Usage -

GET Publication ID

Every Medium Publication has one unique hash ID associated with it. Usually, we only deal with publication_slug that is generated when we choose our Publication's Name. You can find your publication_slug in the homepage URL of your publication. Like -

Once you get your publication_slug, you can use the following endpoint to get your publication_id.

Endpoint -

GET /publication/id_for/{publication_slug}

Usage -

GET Publication Info

This endpoint returns publication-related information such as Publication name, Tagline, Description, Tags, Followers Count, Creator, Editors, Twitter username, Instagram username, Facebook Page name, Logo, Domain, etc ... for the corresponding publication_id.

A publication_id is the unique hash ID associated with every Medium Publication. For example, publication_id of TowardsDataScience is "7f60cf5620c9"

If you don't know the publication_id, you can get it from any article published under it. Use the endpoint GET Article Info, to retrieve the publication_id. Or, if you know the publication_slug, use the endpoint GET Publication ID.

Endpoint -

GET /publication/{publication_id}

Usage -

GET Publication Articles

This endpoint returns the list of articles_ids of the latest 25 articles, posted recently in that publication.

You can use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual articles.

Query Parameter (Optional): -

Endpoint -

GET /publication/{publication_id}/articles

Usage -

GET Publication's Newsletter

This endpoint returns information related to the associated newsletter for the given publication. This includes their name, description, creator's id, subscriber's count, unique id, image url, etc...

Endpoint -

GET /publication/{publication_id}/newsletter

Usage -

GET Archived Articles

This endpoint returns a list of archived articles (max length = 20) for the given tag.

You can filter the results by adding optional query string parameters like year and month. Use the next parameter to get more results.

Query Parameters (Optional) :

You can use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual articles.

Endpoint -

GET /archived_articles/{tag}

GET /archived_articles/{tag}?year={year}&month={month}&next={next}

Usage -

GET Latest Posts

This endpoint returns a list of the latest posts (article_ids) under a topic/niche (as classified and distributed by the Medium platform). Examples of a topic/niche can be:

These are known as topic_slugs. (Not same as tags)

At any given moment, this endpoint will return a list of 25 articles (article_ids). You can then GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information related to each article.

Endpoint -

GET /latestposts/{topic_slug}

Usage -

GET Top Writers

This endpoint returns a list of top writers (user_ids) within a particular topic/niche (using topic_slug). Examples of topic_slug are -

You can use an optional query parameter count to specify the number of top writers you want to retrieve.

Note: Maximum number of top writers within a topic will be 250.

After fetching the user_ids, you can use the GET User Info endpoint to extract information related to the individual users.

Endpoint -

GET /top_writers/{topic_slug}

GET /top_writers/{topic_slug}?count={count}


This endpoint returns a list of recommended articles (article_ids) for the given tag. This feed is similar to Topfeeds Trending Articles.

Using the page query string parameter, you can get the list page by page. The page number can be between 1 and 20. Each page will have up to 25 Article IDs.

So at maximum, you can fetch 500 article_ids in 20 API calls.

Note: You can use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information related to each article.

Endpoint -

GET /recommended_feed/{tag}?page={page}

Usage -

GET Top Feeds

This endpoint returns a list of article_ids (default count = 25) for the given tag and mode.

Example of a tag will 'blockchain', 'defi', 'artificial-intelligence', etc...


Note: You can use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information related to each article.

Endpoint -

GET /topfeeds/{tag}/{mode}

Usage -

Get Tag Info

This endpoint returns tag-related information for the given tag. This includes:

Note: tags are lowercased, hyphen-separated strings representing a category or niche on Medium Platform

Endpoint -

GET /tag/{tag}

Usage -

This endpoint returns a list of related_tags for a given tag.

Example: For the tag blockchain, it will return "cryptocurrency", "bitcoin", "ethereum", "crypto", "ico", "technology", "defi", "nft", "fintech".

Endpoint -

GET /related_tags/{tag}

Usage -

Get Root Tags

This endpoint returns a list of root tags (or top-level tags) from the Medium Platform. This is how Medium broadly categorizes articles.

These tags have their own child tags that you can fetch using the Tag Info endpoint.

This list may change/expand in the future.

Endpoint -

GET /root_tags

Usage -

This endpoint returns a list of recommended users (who to follow) for the given tag.

Max length = 250.

You can use the GET User Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual users.

Endpoint -

GET /recommended_users/{tag}

Usage -

This endpoint returns an array of recommended Medium Lists for the given tag. Max Length = 250.

You can use the GET List Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual Medium Lists.

Endpoint -

GET /recommended_lists/{tag}

Usage -

GET List Info

This endpoint returns the Medium's list-related information - such as id, name, author, description, thumbnail image url, creation datetime, last modified datetime, number of articles in the list, claps, voters, and comments - for the given list_id.

The list_id is the unique hash ID associated with every Medium List. You can see it at the end of the URL as follows:

Here 38f9e0f9bea6 is the list_id.

Endpoint -

GET /list/{list_id}

Usage -

GET List Articles

This endpoint returns an array of article_ids present in the given Medium List.

You can use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual articles.

Endpoint -

GET /list/{list_id}/articles

Usage -

GET List Responses

This endpoint returns an array of response_ids for the given Medium List.

Note: You can treat response_id pretty much same as aritcle_id. To see the content of the response, use the Get Article's Content endpoint.

Endpoint -

GET /list/{list_id}/responses

Usage -

Search Articles

This endpoint returns a list of article_ids that match the search query. The maximum length of this list will be 1000. If no articles are found that match the search query, then an empty list will be returned.

Query Parameter (Required): -

You can use the GET Article Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual articles.

Endpoint -

GET /search/articles?query={query}

Usage -

Search Publications

This endpoint returns a list of publication_ids that match the search query. The maximum length of this list will be 1000. If no publications are found that match the search query, then an empty list will be returned.

Query Parameter (Required): -

You can use the GET Publication Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual publications.

Endpoint -

GET /search/publications?query={query}

Usage -

Search Users

This endpoint returns a list of user_ids that match the search query. The maximum length of this list will be 1000. If no users are found that match the search query, then an empty list will be returned.

Query Parameter (Required): -

You can use the GET User Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual users.

Endpoint -

GET /search/users?query={query}

Usage -

Search Lists

This endpoint returns an array of list_ids that match the search query. The maximum length of this array will be 1000. If no Medium Lists are found that match the search query, then an empty array will be returned.

Query Parameter (Required): -

You can use the GET List Info endpoint to retrieve information on individual Medium Lists.

Endpoint -

GET /search/lists?query={query}

Usage -

Search Tags

This endpoint returns a list of tags that match the search query. The maximum length of this list will be 1000. If no tags are found that match the search query, then an empty list will be returned.

Query Parameter (Required): -

Endpoint -

GET /search/tags?query={query}

Usage -

Final thoughts -

As of now, this API consists of 42 endpoints (+1 test endpoint), all of which use the GET method. I'll try to add more endpoints in the future and improve its efficiency to provide you with the best Unofficial Medium API possible.

If you've any thoughts on it, feel free to share them. I'll appreciate your feedback and try to improve it further.

My email ID:

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!

PS: We post tutorials, videos, code snippets, and insights related to Medium and Unofficial Medium API. So be sure to follow us on: