How to Get Recommended Lists from Medium

(Using Medium API Python Package)

If you're looking to fetch recommended lists for specific tags on Medium, this guide will walk you through the process using the Medium API in Python. Follow the steps below to set up your environment and run the code to retrieve and display recommended lists related to a tag of your choice.


Before you begin, make sure you have the code medium-api Python package installed. You can install it using pip:

pip install medium-api

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Import Libraries

First, you need to import the required libraries. The code os library helps you access environment variables, and code Medium from the code medium_api package allows interaction with the Medium API.

2. Retrieve API Key

To access the Medium API, you need an API key. This key should be stored in your environment variables. Retrieve it using the code os.getenv() function:

Make sure you replace code 'RAPIDAPI_KEY' with the actual name of your environment variable if it's different.

3. Create a Medium Object

Instantiate the code Medium object using your API key. This object will be used to interact with the Medium API.

4. Fetch Recommended Lists

To get recommended lists for a specific tag, use the code recommended_lists method of the code Medium object. You need to specify the tag you're interested in, such as code "artificial-intelligence":

5. Display the Recommended Lists

Finally, fetch and print the names of the recommended lists. Use the code fetch_lists() method to get the list data, then iterate over the objects to print their names:


By following these steps, you can easily retrieve and display recommended lists from Medium based on a specific tag. This method is particularly useful for finding popular or relevant content on Medium related to topics of interest. Make sure to handle your API keys securely and follow best practices for environment variable management.
