How to Get Tag Information from Medium

(Using Medium API Python Package)

In this guide, you'll learn how to retrieve tag-related information from the Medium platform using the medium-api Python package. We'll walk through a simple script that fetches details about a specific tag, such as the number of followers, stories, and writers. This guide assumes you have Python installed and are familiar with basic programming concepts.


Before you start, you need to install the medium-api package. You can do this using pip:

pip install medium-api

The Code Explained

1. Import Required Libraries

The script begins by importing the necessary libraries. You need to import os to handle environment variables and Medium from medium_api to interact with the Medium API.

2. Retrieve the API Key

Next, the code fetches the API key from the environment variables. This key is required to authenticate your requests to the Medium API.

Make sure that you have set the environment variable RAPIDAPI_KEY with your actual Medium API key before running the script.

3. Create a Medium Object

With the API key in hand, you create an instance of the Medium class. This object will allow you to interact with the Medium API.

4. Get Tag-Related Information

You can now use the medium object to fetch information about a specific tag. In this example, we're fetching information for the tag "artificial-intelligence".

5. Print the Tag Information

Finally, the script prints various details about the tag. This includes the number of followers, stories, and writers, as well as the count of the latest stories and writers, and any child tags associated with it.


This guide provided a straightforward approach to obtaining tag-related information from Medium using Python and the medium-api package. By following the steps outlined, you can easily integrate this functionality into your own projects and make the most of the Medium platform's rich tag data.
