The Most Important Skill for CryptoJunkies 👾

Actually, for everyone involved in crypto-space who wants to make real money.

Image by the Author

I've experienced the ups and downs of the cryptomarket for years now. I've made a lot of money, and lost equally. Made several mistakes, like - jumping on the trend bubble that was about to burst, investing in the saturated assets (i.e. investing too late at stagnated price), and betting on the wrong DeFi platforms without proper knowledge.

All these experiences forced me to acquire several skills ... but there is one that I feel EACH AND EVERY CryptoJunkie should have. To actually make money in this fast-paced ever-changing world of blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

That skill is - the ability act upon the Information Arbitrage. The ultimate leverage of the new age.

Let's dive deep into it!

Information Arbitrage - The key to win in Crypto-Space 💡

Information Arbitrage refers to the knowledge gap between the actor and the market due to the inefficiencies of the Content Distribution Systems on the Internet.

Every piece of content - News, Announcements, Launches, etc ... - propagates with a certain velocity. If the piece is authentic and has the potential to make waves in the market, there exists an opportunity to make profits.

Note: By potential, I meant, if the technology described in the piece of content has some substance in it.

Let's say, you come across a new DeFi platform that promises some universal identification protocol. Then, it depends on your experience and expertise to verify, in accordance to the tech, chain, and mechanisms, whether the product/service will be feasible and scalable, or not.

In short, will it make waves? And does it have substance?

Given that the piece HAS some substance, if it is written in a persuasive manner, then it will have a high velocity. Otherwise, it'll propagate slowly in the market.

Typically, most CryptoJunkies frequent 3 to 4 information channels to consume such content/information/news.

I'll not question the credibility of those channels, but from what I experienced, I found Twitter and Medium to be the leading platforms to keep your eyes on.

Most of the new Crypto Entrepreneurs, DeFi Owners, and Blockchain Developers are writing announcements and doing launches on Medium. It has become the hub for crypto-related stuff.

Blogging on Medium has practically no entry-barrier. Hence, it has become quite popular among the masses for quick distribution and launches.

Now the question arises: "Where you should look?"

There are hundreds of publications, thousands of writers, and countless tags like - blockchain, cryptocurrency, web3, ethereum, DeFi, polygon, NFT, decentralization, DAO, crypto, etc... to cover.

I'm NOT here to reveal you my own secret formula. But I can help you to make your own.

It will require some experimentation, but it'll worth it. Believe me!

How to build your own Information Arbitrage System? 🏗 ️

Obviously, building this will require some coding experience. If you are not a coder, get one.

A while back, I got a freelance job for doing the same thing that I'm about to describe.

You can go through it, to get an idea of what I am talking about -

In simpler terms, building an Information Arbitrage System means, "getting notifications for the high-quality, targeted pieces of content as soon as they get published." So you can act upon them as quickly as possible.

This requires connecting platforms and extracting targeted content (via APIs) and filtering it, based on your experience and criteria, and getting notified in a suitable manner.

Twitter made their API public, using which you can cook up your own recipe for data extraction. So here, I'm presenting you the Unofficial Medium API (Unofficial version) developed by yours truly.

This API will give you all the tools that are required to build your own Information Arbitrage System. Using this, you can extract posts written by specific authors, or articles published under certain publications. You can get latest and trending stories filtered by tags and recency.

You can see which articles are getting popular by the number of claps and comments they're getting and get ahead of the market. You can look for top writers in crypto-space and hunt down specific crypto-publications of official DeFi and NFT Project announcements.

Possibilities are endless!

Now it is up to you to design your own Information Arbitrage System. 🚀

Resources 🎯 -

Here is the documentation for Unofficial Medium API

If you're a Python developer, then you're in luck.

I've built the Python SDK for the Medium API (pip install medium-api) which will make your job as easy as pie.

Here's a quick video for you to get started -

Other Important Links 🔗 -

🐦 Twitter:

If you enjoy reading these stories, then I'm sure you would love to be a Medium paying member. It's only $5 per month, and you'll get unlimited access to thousands and thousands of stories and writers. You can support me by signing up using this link, and I'll earn a small commission that will help me grow and publish more stories like this.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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